Events, DJs & Bands
If you are here looking for more work for yourself or your band, then you are in the right place!
Please provide as much details as possible and one of our booking agent will be in touch (normally within 48 hours).
Artist / Band Name (required)
Genre/Music Style (required)
Songs You Perform (Minimum 10)
No of Performers (required)
Self Contained - Have all gear you need? (required) ---YesNo
Public Liability Insurance (required) ---YesNo
Pat Test Certificate (required) ---YesNo
Typical Set and Fee E.g. 2x45min - £xx, 1 hour - £xx etc (required)
Bio (Approx 50 words - How long together, experience of players, performances/venues etc.)
Please provide links to samples of your music and / or videos below. Please enter only 1 link per field.
Sample 1 / SoundCloud / YouTube etc (required)
Sample 2 / SoundCloud / YouTube etc
Please provide testimonials and contact number or email for your work (independently verifiable).
Testimonial 1 (required)
Testimonial 2
Upload Image (gif, png, jpg - max 4mb)
Main Contact
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Address 1 (required)
Address 2
Town (required)
Post Code (required)
Email (required)
Tel (required)
How did you hear about us? (required) You Contacted MeSearch EngineSocial MediaAdvertisementWebsiteWord Of MouthOther
If "Word of Mouth" or "Other", please state who or where.
Anything else you would like us to know?